Frog Trading System Ken Lang

Programvareproduktinnovatorer for arkitektur-engineering 8211 Construction (AEC) vertikale serveringsorganer og byggevirksomheter SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd er dedikert til å innovere pålitelige og førsteklasses programvareprodukter for nisje vertikal av arkitektur-Engineering-Construction (AEC). Våre produkter gjør det mulig for kundene å redusere kostnadene, øke produktiviteten, ha effektiv kontroll og forbedre ressursutnyttelsen når det gjelder mennesker, infrastruktur og kundeservice. Våre rykteprodukter: AutoDCR er et nasjonalt prisvinnende produkt, som har revolusjonert byggeplanets granskingsprosess i styrende organer. For tiden er det implementert på tvers av 50 ULBer i India. PWIMS Public Works Information Management System, et nettbasert kommersielt off-the-shelf-program (COTS) for styring av de sentrale funksjonelle prosessene for arbeidsplanlegging, innkjøp og vedlikehold i offentlige arbeiderorganisasjoner. OPTICON en robust konstruksjonsprogramvare spesielt utviklet for byggorganisasjoner. Med intelligent bygget moduler for prosjekter, økonomi, anleggsmaskiner, er byggeprosjektene sikret positiv avkastning. BIM Services Project-virtualisering blir stadig viktigere hver dag. Med tilgjengeligheten av en 3D-modell, før oppstart av faktisk konstruksjon har mange fordeler. Med BIM er design fortsatt konsistent, koordinert og mer nøyaktig over alle interessenter. Med 750 års erfaring og grundig kundeundersøkelse SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd har utviklet e-styring og konstruksjon av ERP-produkter med tanke på spesifikke behov hos våre kunder, kan du være trygg på at virksomheten din er i gode hender. Produkter fra SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd forsikrer: Produktivitetsrampe opp Fokus på kjernevirksomheten til bedriften din Bedre bunnlinjer Bevar bedriftens eiendeler Investerer tid og penger i forretningsteknologi SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd er den betrodde assosierte i din tryst for suksess. Register med oss ​​raquo Last opp dine produkter raquo Start Selge Kjøp Industrial Goods Online Når det kommer til å handle online for industriprodukter, er det ikke noe annet sted bedre enn Tolexo. Uansett om du leter etter kontorrekvisita for ditt nye oppsett eller sikkerhetsutstyr for dine arbeidere eller noen håndverktøy for enhver type DIY jobber du med andre typer industrivarer til din industri, er Tolexo bare stedet for deg. Vi er en stopp shopping destinasjon for elektrisk utstyr. Nettbutikk av industrivarer med tilgang til mer enn 10,00 000 produkter. Prisene påvirker kjøperens kjøpsbeslutninger. Av samme grunn, hos Tolexo, tilbyr vi rabatter fra tid til annen. Du kan benytte tilbudet og få tunge rabatter på sikkerhetsprodukter. sikkerhetssko. sikkerhetsjakker. sikkerhetshjelmer. LED lys og diverse andre produkter. Tolexo står på ingen måte stolte som det største B2B-e-handelsselskapet for industriprodukter i India. Kjøpe industrivarer har aldri vært dette praktisk kostnadseffektivt. Vi kjører produkter fra ulike nasjonale og internasjonale merker som Bosch. Stanley. Black Decker. Syska LED. Finolex, Allen Cooper, Bata, Karam, Taparia, Venus, Alpha, 3M, Flamingo, Acme, LG, Eveready, Safari, Cumi, Hatachi, Makita. GoodYear, Eastman, JCB, Jaguar, etc. Vi tar sikte på fullstendig kundetilfredshet. Neste nivå Kundeopplevelse Vi tror på å oppnå det høyeste nivået av kundetilfredshet gjennom en enorm samling av produkter, interaktiv mobilopplevelse, rettidig levering av husholdningsprodukter og proaktiv kundebehandling. Vi, hos Tolexo, vet betydningen av din tid og streber etter å levere produktene tidlig på dørstokken din. For krav til industriprodukter er Tolexo bare den rette plattformen for å samarbeide uten problemer. Rett fra små kontorrekvisita til kontoret ditt til sikkerhetssystemer, inkludert CCTV, får du velge mellom 10,00 000 produkter tilgjengelig hos Tolexo. Bortsett fra kontor - og industriforsyninger, har Tolexo også tilbud på mange husholdningsartikler og utstyr som Hageutstyr, VVS-verktøy, DIY-verktøy, elektrisk tilbehør, rengjøringsmidler, etc. Stort utvalg av kontorartikler På Tolexo kan du kjøpe lim online fra disse globalt anerkjente merkevarene og mange andre merker som, Jonson, Akfix, Wonder Tape, Dcgpac, 3M og mange flere til de beste prisene. Med over en million SKU, og over 28 kategorier å velge mellom, gir Tolexo opp for den økende etterspørselen på det indiske markedet. Vi tilbyr et bredt utvalg av medisinske rekvisita online i Medical som også inkluderer diagnostiske instrumenter, medisinsk forbruksvarer, fysioterapi og rehab hjelpemidler, ortopedikk, gummiprodukter og sugeenheter, medisinsk klær etc. Bortsett fra disse, tilbyr Tolexo i 28 brede kategorier av produkter og over en million produkter som også inkluderer test - og måleutstyr. Støvsugere, trimmere, sikkerhetshansker, skrutrekkere, håndverktøy, verktøy, maskinforsyning, maskinverktøy, låsemutter, elektriske, rørleggerverktøy, håndverktøy, luftblåsere, bussbøter, vifter, papirkutter, sikkerhetshansker, skrutrekkere, benk Slipemaskiner, smøring, håndverktøy, philips plugger, skrutrekkerbiter, test og måleverktøy, maskinvare, skjøteledninger, festemidler, Verktøy. Blåsere, Varmepistoler, Vinkelslipere, Smøremidler, Brennere, Laboratorieforsyninger, Bosch Verktøy, Innskiftelige innsatser, Havellsuttak, Trekkere, Tenger, Kraftboringer, Maskinvare, Hageverktøy, LED Lights, Lim, Pneumatiske verktøy, Slipemidler, Medisinsk utstyr, lagrebolter, skrutrekkerbiter, test og måle verktøy, maskinvare, festemidler, skiver, skrutrekkere, håndverktøy. skrue på nettet, kontorrekvisita, bil og sykkel tilbehør etc. Nå kan du kjøpe medisinske forsyninger som sitter hjemme, og sparer penger, tid og energi og med 100 garanti på ekte produkter. Videre forsikrer vi deg om at du bestiller bestillingen i god tid. Ved misnøye på grunn av mangel, 15-dagers pengene tilbake-garanti. Derfor stoler store industri - og forretningshuse oss for deres store kjøp med hensyn til forretningsmessige forsyninger. Hvor ellers vil du få maksimal sikkerhet ved minimumspriser 2017 Tolexo. All Rights Reserved. Great Planes Trading Company presenterer den 5. Årlige Cabin Fever Antique Tool Auction, 22. mars 2014, 9:30 CST. Forhåndsvis 2 til 6 PM fredag ​​13 september og 7 til 9:30 salgsdag. Gå tilbake til Great Planes Trading Co. HOME Great Planes Trading Company presenterer 5. Årlig Cabin Fever Tool Auction 22. mars 2014, 9:30 Harvester Lions Club 4835 Central School Rd. St. Charles (St. Louis), MO 63304 (Forhåndsvis fredag ​​2-6 PM, lørdag 7 til 9:30) For å se bildene i gallerivisningen klikk (HER.) Klikk på et bilde for å forstørre det. 001. Stanley 8 prelatert jern jointer plan, måler 23 58 tommer lang, sengen er malt, har et V-logo blad (malt) og håndtaket er fra 7 plan, hyggelig rosentre knott beaded i basen og veldig god rosewood tote . (Photo amp Photo 2) 002. Mange 12 trehåndterte skruetrekkere. (Photo amp Photo 2) 003. Stanley 7 støpejern jointer plan, fint BB-logo blad, høy knott har blitt refinished, scuffed, men intakt rosewood tote, fin generelle tilstand. (Photo amp Photo 2) 004. Par av tre-jointer-planer: SCIOTO WORKS 26-tommers med feil blad og jern fra et jack eller forflytende plan, kropp og lukket håndtak, er fint og en SHERMAN BROS. N. YORK 22-tommers med svak produsentmerke, OHIO TOOL-blad, løs håndtak og litt vannskade på tåen, kan gjenopprettes til brukbar tilstand. (Photo amp Photo 2) 005. Par sager, inkludert en trehåndsbehandlet bein eller de-horning sågar som er komplett og veldig bra pluss en tre spokeshave. (Photo) 006. Stanley 49-biters måler komplett og fin og en flaskeåpner merket ARROWHEAD OG PURITAS WATER-flaskeåpner, komplett og veldig bra. (Foto) 007. Stratton Brothers nr. 1 messingbundet mahogny plumb og nivå, har dekorative messing sidevisninger, lager har sannsynligvis blitt savet ned og messing endeplate festet, begge hetteglassene intakt, veldig bra pluss en Stanley 4 jern glatt plan med hardwood tote og knott, vil rense til veldig bra samlet. (Foto) 008. Par Stanley jernblokker: Tidlig 103 med fint RampL-loggblad, veldig bra totalt og en 18 med tidlig knektsledd spakenhette, nesten brukt RampL-logoblad, noen få sjetonger i baksiden av halsen, tre patent datoer på sidearm, god samlet. (Foto) 009. Sargent 414 jernjakkplan med tidlig sirkulær logo på veldig godt blad, fin tote og beaded knopp, komplett og veldig bra. (Foto) 010. Stanley BAILEY 5 12 bredt karosseriplane med fint SW logo blad, fin palisander og knopp, fin samlet. (Foto) 011. Par jernjakkplaner: OHIO TOOL CO. 05C med fint globe logo blad, tote knust og limt på bunnen, god knott, bak halsen har stor brikke fra ett hjørne, god samlet og et lite Sargent Shaws patent 14C, tidlig sirkulær loggblad, komplett og veldig bra. (Foto) 012. Par Stanley blokker: 60 12 lav vinkel i maroon maling, komplett og veldig bra og 118 ubrytelig med BB-logo blad, veldig bra samlet. (Photo) 013. Del: Stanley 89 klaffbordsmerker, komplett og veldig bra Stanley SW-blad til et jern-raffeplan, en bitstøymaskin med ende som er skarpt inn i knivene, sett i nærheten av et brystbor, etc. (Foto) 014. Skarpt RECORD nr. 050 lyskombinasjonsplan komplett i original treskasse med glidende lokk. Plane er komplett med beading stopp, dybde stopp, chip deflector, og spesielle klembrakett for 18 amp 316-in. blader og den opprinnelige instruksjonsbrosjyren med 1939 Copyright dato. Sjelden vil du finne en som er komplett. (Foto) 015. Stanley 45 kombinasjonsplogplan, med SW-logo på skøyt, fin palisanderknott, håndtak og slitestrimme på gjerdet, veldig god nikkelbelegg, alle tre hoveddeler, lange og korte stenger datert kam sash cutter, trenger et sett av blader, fint samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 016. Mange fire jernblokker: SHELTON, komplett og veldig bra: knappe S18 ubrytelig stålblokkeringsplan med justerbar hals - og kneledddetektor, hele flyet er belagt med lett overflate som det ble funnet i en fuktig kjeller vil rengjøre til meget god Stanley 9 14 med manglende kamera fra sperrekapsel, lyspitting på sidene, bra og en 9 12 mangler halskammen, og med en senere (brun) utskiftningshendel. (Photo) 017. Stanley 3 jern glatt planet, WWII modell med hardt gummi justeringsmutter, veldig bra farget hardvedbåt og knott, spor av lett rust, veldig bra samlet. (Foto) 018. Stanley 4 12 brede kropps glattfly, WWII-modell med hardt gummijusteringsmutter, fint farget hardvedbolt og knott, spor av lett rust, veldig bra samlet. (Photo) 019. Scarce Stanley 5 14 junior jackplane, WWII-modell med hardt gummijusteringsmutter, godt farget hardved høyt knott, hardvedbombe har ren pause i midten og vil limes fint, lett til moderat rust på grunn av lagring i fuktig kjeller . (Foto) 020. Par jern raffplaner: Stanley 78 med intakt dybde stopp, tommelfingerstyrt bladjusterer, har en dybdejustering, men ingen skrue for å sikre stopp til flyet, fint generelt pluss en håndverkere (Sargent 79) som bare er som en Stanley 78, komplett med original gjerde og dybde stopp, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 021. Mye av tre trebøyler, inkludert en fin messingbelagt modell av BROWN amp FLATHER med ebbenhodet og to som ser hjemmelaget ut. (Photo amp Photo 2) 022. Tre 12-tommers ape nøkler: BampC all-steel noen pitting, hele skiftenøkkel belagt med lakk, god H. D. SMITH PERFECT HANDLE, håndtere litt bøyde, typiske nicks og dings, god overall PSampW (Peck Stowe amp Wilcox) med fine trehåndtak, PAT. Januar 14, 1896, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 023. Par trebårer, inkludert en ultimatum-stil merket Forbedret Brass Frame Brace, merket med tidligere eiere KETTERING og J. W. PANTHER-navn, mangler den nederste delen av chucken, har mesteparten av den originale elfenbenringen i hodet, ebenholtsrammen har en brikke fra forsiden av chucken og en Sheffield-armbånd av W. MARPLES amp SONS med fin HIBERNIA WORKS medaljong i hodet, veldig flink. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 024. Par Stanley jern jakkeplaner: 5C med sliver fra siden av tote spur, chip fra basen av lav knott og generelt trenger god rengjøring og en nyere 5 med BB-logo blad , dyp lakkbelegg på fin rosewood-tote og høy knott, fin japning, noen få spor av lett overflate-rust, vil rense til fint samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 025. Veldig sjelden Stanley 45 Type I kombinasjonsplogplan, japansk modell med fin beaded knott på hovedrammen, veldig god japansk på alle tre hoveddelene lange og korte stenger, begge dybdestopp, original boks med syv perler, ni ploger og kampblad, pluss datert slitter i fly. En fin tidlig plog i meget god total tilstand. (Photo amp Photo 2) 026. Mange fire jernblokker: dobbelt endte 130 (ligner Stanley 130) med skulpterte sider, veldig god SHELTON, komplett og veldig bra ukjent 110-type, litt rust på bunnen og en Stanley 103 med tidlig RampL-logo blad. (Photo amp Photo 2) 027. Stanley 45 Type 4, knott på hovedramme, hoveddeler og flate hodeskruer er forniklet, fint plating, godt palisanderhåndtak og knott, sporen mangler på midtdelen kommer med lange og korte stangstråler og frontdybde, kommer også med et knappt sett med kniver til et Type 5-plan, hver har et hull for å gripe inn skjærejusteringen, kutterboksen har to ekstra sporer stiftet til utsiden av esken, to kroker for å sikre lokket, og en delvis etikett, et veldig godt plan med fint sett med kniver. (Photo amp Photo 2) 028. Stanley 5 14 junior jackfly med fin rosewood høy knott, fin rosewood-tote har delvis dekal på siden, fint japanning, sider og bunner ble dekket med rust og ble bare delvis rengjort, vil rense til veldig bra alt i alt. (Photo amp Photo 2) 029. Tre jernblokker: Sargent 217 veldig bra samlet RECORD 0130 (samme som Stanley 130), dobbelte endede sider og bunner har lys rust, vil rense til veldig bra og en Shelton som har rust på bunnen, vil rent til veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 030. Sargent VBM 408C (størrelse på Stanley 3) jern glatt plan, få sprekker på grunn av beaded knopp, splinter fra side av god tote Stanley BB-logo blad, litt lett rust, vil rense til veldig bra . (Photo amp Photo 2) 031. Sargent 3418 overgangs 18-tommers forflytende plan, godt originalt blad, tote spurre har blitt brutt av, god knott, vil rense til veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 032. Ohio Tool Co. foldet håndtak drawknife med 8-tommers blad, veldig gode håndtak, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 033. Par av overgangs jackplanker: Stanley 27 12 bred kropp med BAILEY navn kastet inn i rammen på tå, V-logo blad, aksjen har noen sprekker i tåen, veldig bra totalt pluss en Gage Tool Co. SELF-SETTING 16-tommers mangler frontknappen, fint originalt blad, bare legg til en knott, og den er klar til å gå. (Photo amp Photo 2) 034. VERDT foldet håndtak drawknife med 8-tommers blad, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 035. Sargent 3415 overgangs jackfly, tidlig sirkulær logo på blad, hestesko type første sidejusterer, komplett og fint. (Photo amp Foto 2 amp Photo 3) 036. J. S. CANTELLO Patentknivhåndtaket trekkkniv, fint 6-tommers blad, noen få flekker av lett overflate rust, vil rense til veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 037. MATHIESON 17-tommers trehøyle eller forflytende plan med dekal på lager, god MATHIESON-blad med Thos. Ibbotson Chipper, komplett og fint. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 038. Sargent 3420 overgangs 20-tommers for - eller jointerplan, hestesko type første sidejustering, fint sirkulært logoblad, fint samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 039. Millers Falls nr. 718 kjedebor ny, ikke åpnet original boks. Dette er en militær overskuddskjedeboring belagt med cosmoline i original Millers Falls-boks. Hele boksen er pakket inn i et vokstype papir impregnert med fett. Inkludert er tre bilder av en lignende som vi har åpnet for å gi deg en ide om hva du kan forvente på innsiden. (Photo amp Photo 2) 040. Par av tre tunge skjærepløyer: JAMES REID ABERDEEN 12-tommers, veldig bra og en 38-tommers A. MATHIESON SONS, fin. (Photo amp Photo 2) 041. Fire treformingsplaner: Ohio Tool Co. 61 kompleks, veldig bra et annet komplett plan i Ohio-verktøyet med uvanlig inkursmerke, fin SPEIGHT LEEDS-tunger, fin og en MENELAWS EDINBURGH med ekstra kursiv markering av Wm. Malcolm nr. 1 sash fly savner bladet, chip i høyre side, bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 042. ARROWMAMMETT WORKS komplisert treformingsplan merket på hæl 12 X 88, hele flyet har blitt belagt med lakk eller lakk, fint. (Photo amp Photo 2) 043. Par av treformingsplaner: H. W. ELLS W. MS. BURG MASS 78-tommers tunskutter, veldig bra og et svalehale-plan merket J. NORMAN på tå, har gjerde på bunnen, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 044. Par komplekse treformingsplaner: OHIO TOOL CO. (Merket på hæl) 61 34, veldig bra samlet og en tidlig W. DIBB YORK med to eller tre ekstra merker på tå, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 045. Par av treformingsplaner: TABER PLANE CO. No. 140 kompleks profil, komplett og veldig bra, og en GLEAVE MANCHESTER 1 38-tommers skråbladet rabbet med messingplater festet til sålen, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 046. Tidlig 10 12-tommers med flate kamfer og avrundet kiling, ser ut til å være profesjonelt laget, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 047. Tre treformingsplaner: F. SHEPARD skråbladet rabbet, har to hull i side og bunn hvor gjerder var en gang montert, veldig bra SANDUSKY TOOL CO. Nr. 100 match eller tunge - og sporplan, mangler tunge blad, begge kiler intakt og en S. SLOOP CINT. O 38-tommers kasse med sidebar som har noen savnet boksing. (Photo amp Photo 2) 048. Ukjent gjør skrå raffiner med messingsål og messingplater på sider, svak 1800s dato på tå, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 049. Slipende stein i en montert treboks, veldig bra samlet. (Foto) 050. Uvanlig 19. århundre Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. Modell 9A fotdrevet bellows, læret er tørket ut og sprukket, støpejernet er alt intakt og veldig bra, veldig bra generelt. (Photo amp Photo 2) 051. Slipende stein i en montert treboks, veldig god samlet. (Foto) 052. Uvanlige hesteseler biter med ringer, en lang og to korte stykker, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 053. Tre skarphetsteiner: en i treboks, veldig bra en NORTON JM6 12 x 2-12 x 11-12-tommers mediumkorn Crystolon IM313 Replacement Oilstone i original boksboks, fin og en Norton FS - 76 skarphet, 1-38 x 2 x 6 Gouge Slip, i original boks, fint. (Photo) 054. Antique Pestel Patent (US 1,128,500) presisjon balanse skala, produsert av Woldenberg amp Schaar av Chicago, IL, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 055. Interessant tre tranebærkasse 14 x 12 x 10 tommer, merket INNHOLD 1 KVARTAL US STANDARD CRANBERRY BARREL, veldig bra. (Foto) 056. M. KLEIN linemans splicing tanger pluss et par auto batter terminal tanger, veldig bra. (Foto) 057. Mye av tre glatte fly: en 8-tommers jevnere glattere med SOLAR MFG-blad, veldig bra generelt og to tre glatte fly: og 8,5-tommers enkeltstryke, jevnere AUBURN TOOL CO. Blad, veldig bra og en 6,5- tommers glattere med svake beslutningstakere markere på tå og en AUBURN THISTLE BRAND enkeltblad, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 058. Nice13-tommers par håndsagte tinsnips, veldig godt utført. (Foto-forstørrelse Foto 2) 059. Par smidde svinpenger brukes til å gi hjelp til dyr ved fødsel, veldig bra pluss et 9-tommers par formetang med en konkav kjeve og en konveks. (Photo amp Photo 2) 060. Par Union Factory treforming flyver en liten boks side perle, veldig bra og en 1-tommers skrå bladet rabbet, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 061. Uvanlige nikkelbelagte sukkerstenger merket N. amp CO. CAPE MAY, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 062. Messingvogn lantern, merket gjort i India på baksiden, veldig bra pluss en brennerarmatur laget av AMERICAN GAS MACHINE CO. ALBERT LEA, MINN. (Photo amp Photo 2) 063. Tre plier-lignende verktøy: 7-tommers gaffeltang 6-tommers nippers og et 7-tommers par patenterte kjede tanger med det som ser ut som en MAY 22, 19 patentdato. (Photo amp Photo 2) 064. Tre deler av gassrør som de som ville vært brukt i et hjem eller virksomhet for gassbelysning, alt veldig bra. (Foto) 065. Antik balanse i opium-type i en tin boks med hengslet lokk, noe rust og en del av originalt papiretikett fra innsiden av boksen forblir. (Photo amp Photo 2) 066. Par 6.5-tommers CHAMPAGNE BOLLINGER AY-FRANCE forniklet tang, fint pluss en liten slipestein, veldig bra. (Foto forstørrelse Foto 2) 067. A. C. WILLIAMS CO. RAVENNA, OHIO trist jern med hurtighåndtak trehåndtak, litt lett rust, veldig bra samlet. (Foto) 068. HOLTS FORBEDDET egg og pisket krembeater, kadbelagt, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 069. Par triste strykejern alt stål SILVESTERS PATENT SALTER 5, komplett og veldig bra og en POTTS STØRRELSE 3 BESTE PÅ JORDEN med hurtigutløserhåndtak, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 070. HANSON Modell 8920 fjærskala, 200-lb. kapasitet ved 2-pund inkrementer, patent nr. 2.299.980, veldig god samlet. (Foto-forstørrelse Foto 2) 071. Par tang: Håndsmelte klinkertenger med vridde håndtak, litt rust, veldig god samlet og et par Hills patent (2. desember 1873) hog tang, komplett og veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 072. Mellomformet par ister, litt lett rust, veldig god samlet. (Foto) 073. To Petteys Fjærkre Stanser på det originale lagerkortet, stansene er nye. Disse ble brukt til å slå ID-hull i kammen av fjærfe. Også inkludert er en 4-oz Pure-sikker husholdningsolje. (Photo amp Photo 2) 074. Vingeformet høkniv med langt trehåndtak, litt rust, veldig bra samlet. (Photo) 075. Uvanlig Disston håndsag med fire in-line skruer og en skribent i toppen av håndtaket. Bladet er kanskje ikke original, og håndtaket har en skrue som kommer opp fra bunnen og den øverste sporen mangler litt fra undersiden. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 076. To par istermer, begge er komplett og veldig bra. (Foto) 077. Høysniv med to trehåndtak, komplett og veldig bra. (Foto) 078. L. S. STARRETT nr. 163 Draftsman T-Square med 36-tommers blad, utsmyket nikkelbelagt hode, fliset på toppen av den ene siden, kan kle seg pent sammen med et Dremel-verktøy, veldig bra pluss en trekants triangel. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 079. Skarp Tomlinson Patent (6. juli 1820) Currying eller kjøttkniv, komplett og veldig bra samlet. Laget på patent 3,213X utstedt 6. juli 1820 til Daniel Tomlinson i Brookfield, CT. (Photo amp Photo 2) 080. Keuffel amp Esser kavaleri skisse bord med kompass med kompass og messing skala arm forbundet med glide blokk med klemskrue, har kompass i topp, fin skinnrem på ryggen, slik at den kan brukes på håndleddet eller armen , veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 081. Tidlig 18-tommers såg med GARANTIERT SUPERIOR medaljong, delte nøtter, håndtaket er belagt med klart lakk, noe veldig mildt pitting på blad, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 082. PSampW 10-tommers Robinson Patent (US 320172) trehåndtert apsnøkkel, PAT. 16. juni 1885, komplett og fint. (Photo amp Photo 2) 083. Fire treformingsplaner: HL JAMES WMS BURG MASS håndtert tungeplan, komplett og fint LAMB-forsterkning BROWNELL håndtert tungeplan, veldig bra J. KELLOGG AMHERST 516-tommers boksentreperle, veldig bra og tidlig 1 runde, produsent eller eier markerer over slått, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 084. Par 12-tommers all-steel ape nøkler: Ukjent merke med sekskant senterjusteringsmutter, veldig bra og Whitman amp Barnes med pitting på den ene siden, belagt med lakk. (Photo amp Photo 2) 085. Ukjent gjør komplekse støpeplan med stor profil, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 086. Par trehåndterte apsnøkler: Ukjent gjør 10-tommers med tykt lakklag, veldig bra og en COES WRENCH CO. 8-tommers, komplett og fint. (Photo amp Photo 2) 087. Fire treformingsplaner: Auburn Tool Co. nr. 155 kompleks profil, veldig bra 180 Auburn Tool Co. 4 runde, veldig god SARGENT (Sandusky) 673 78-tommers grooving plough, veldig bra og en W. DEELEY svalehale fly, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 088. Stanley 8 Type 11 24-tommers jern jointer plan, fin lav knott, rosewood tote brutt i basen og vil bli limt, god V-logo blad, vil rense til veldig bra samlet . (Photo amp Photo 2) 089. Uvanlig Stanley 27 12 bredt kroppsovergangs jack-plan, tote spurre har noen chips, vil rense til veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 090. PLUMB AXES ledningsskjerm står ut av en gammel maskinvarebutikk, holder seks akser, maling er slitt i begge ender, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 091. EC Atkins rammer hornskraper med trelegemer og støpejernsbladholder, denne mangler bladet, men du kan lage en av et gammelt sagblad, veldig bra pluss et Stanley 71-ruteplan knockoff Kastet i messing, legg bare til din egen knivklemme og kniv og er klar til å gå. (Foto) 092. Mange tre treformingsplaner: A. HOWLAND amp CO. Dado med skrueoperert dybdestopp og intakt nicker, veldig bra C. S. SE bred rabbet med fin eagle logo og E. L. COTTLE merke på tå, veldig god samlet og en W. SODEN ovolo, med eier-added gjerde, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 093. Tidlig BARTON amp SMITH ROCHESER (NY) kompleks profil treformingsplan, har bakover S i SMITH-navnet, dette brede komplekse støpeplanet har noen sprekker i tå og hæl, blad og Noen biter av boksing mangler, kan gjenopprettes til brukbar tilstand. (Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3) 094. Mange av seks SANDUSKY TOOL CO. Treformingsplaner 78-tommers dado markert også på hæl R. C. GUENTHER QUINCY, ILL (en maskinvarefirma i den byen), mangler kilen til nickeren, veldig god 7961 34-tommers kompleks molder, enkeltkasse, veldig god 51 316-tommers senterpearl, har hull i den ene siden der et gjerde hadde blitt montert, veldig god 92 2-huls, veldig god 146, 1 12-tommers skjevbladet rabbet, veldig bra og en 146, 12-tommers skjev raspbetong, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 095. Par treformingsplaner: S ROWELL TROY 16 hul, komplett og fin, vurdert 2 stjerner i dagens AWP-bok og et DR BARTON 78-tommers etui eller foringsrørplan, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 096. Uvanlig C. R.ampW. kompleks støpeplan, kropp er litt bleket ut, vann flekk på siden, mindre sprekker i tå og hæl, veldig bra samlet. C. R.ampW. Dette merket er oppført UR (ikke vurdert) i den nyeste AWP-boken. (Photo amp Photo 2) 097. Tre treformingsplaner: SHIVRICK forsterker MALCOLM 16 hul, veldig bra GREENFIELD TOOL CO. Boks side perle, veldig bra og en tidlig G. DAVIS glidelås side perle, komplett og fint. George Davis er oppført i den britiske Planemakers-boken som i Birmingham 1821-1876. (Photo amp Photo 2) 098. Fine RampL CARTER TROY komplekse støpeplan med den opprinnelige prisen i fett blyant på hælen, komplett og fint. Vurdert en stirrer i gjeldende AWP-bok. (Photo amp Photo 2) 099. Mange fire treformingsplaner: En tidlig ogee med brede chamfers, merket LONDON på tåen, veldig bra en OHIO TOOL CO. 78-tommers groveplog, veldig bra GREENFIELD TOOL CO. No. 390 34-tommers tunge, veldig bra og en DR BARTON 34-tommers grovplog, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 100. Keuffel amp Esser pantograph i en treboks med svovelbeskyttede ledd og hengslet låsbart deksel (ingen nøkkel), strømaftakeren og tilbehør er i fin stand, esken har en sprekk i bakpanelet, men er ellers veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 101. Fairchild K20 US ARMY AIR CORPS. LUFTKRAFTKAMERA (4 X 5 INCH). Dette WWII-håndholdte kameraet ble produsert av The Folmer Graflex Corp. Rochester, N. Y. i original boks, med tilbehør. (Photo amp Photo 2) 102. Rare militære heliotrope 483 av SEILER, komplett og veldig bra. Bare trenger et par ben som de som brukes med en byggers nivå eller transitt. Denne er i oljedrabmaling som viser at den ble laget for militæret. (Photo amp Photo 2) 103. Uvanlig militære landmålerfelt skissebord 18 x 24 tommer, vil bli montert på et stativ, dette er nytt gammelt lager i den originale lerretposen med lærforsterkede hjørner, bordet har en gjenget messingplate på bunnen for å montere på et ben sett, viste pappet på toppen av det i ett bilde ble stiftet i hvert hjørne. Vi fjernet stifter for å skyte bildet. Det har aldri blitt brukt. (Photo amp Photo 2) 104. Tre 10,5-tommers tangtenger, inkludert to fine CRONK-tang og en utstøtende kombinasjonshammer, plier og wire cutter som brukes i gjerding. (Photo amp Photo 2) 105. Fem redskaper: tre VULCAN PLOW CO. EVANSVILLE, IND en M58 og en 6,5-tommers umarkert. (Photo amp Photo 2) 106. Lot: 10-tommers trehåndtert Coes ape skiftenøkkel to LIGHTNING WRENCHES av Hampton Machine amp Tool Co. Hampton Iowa, veldig bra et ukjent skrape-lignende verktøy i grønn maling og et rødt hardy type verktøy for rundt arbeid. (Photo amp Photo 2) 107. Seks forskjellige skiftenøkler: to flate stålmodeller en med en krok på den ene siden og den andre med en nøkkel i den ene enden en 19 og 22 mm YAMAHA ukjent 6-tommers med heksekasse i midten av håndtaket og to åpne ender en WAKEFIELD 45 med 916 amp 12 og en 58-tommers JH McLAIN CO. CANTON O. åpen i den ene enden og en firkantet boks i den andre enden. (Photo amp Photo 2) 108. Fem forskjellige skiftenøkler: To forskjellige VULCAN PLOW CO. EVANSVILLE, IND begge i rød maling en M58 ukjent 6-tommers med hex-boks i midten av håndtaket og to åpne ender og en OXWELL-type merket 133 på en slutt. (Photo Amp Photo 2) 109. Par Keen Kutter-gjenstander: Fot for Keen Kutter papir dispenser preget med to KK bock og kile design, veldig bra og et Trueblood patent (US-nr. 603.491) Keen Kutter raker gauge brukt ved sliping av sag . (Photo amp Photo 2) 110. Mange av fem forskjellige nøkler: ARMSTRONG 667 12-tommers S-håndtert åpen endenøkkel, veldig god ARMSTRONG 14-tommers åpen ende for 1 14 og 1 716, veldig bra ukjent 13,5 tommer markert 1999 i rød maling med offset åpninger, veldig god 9,5-tommers med flere åpne ender, merket 421E, veldig bra og en 9-tommers STUDEBAKER 678225 TIRE CARRIER WRENCH i grønn maling. (Foto) 111. Mange av seks umerkede Oliver F153 Wrenches eier har merket hver med modellnummer og Oliver Chilled Plough Co. på den ene siden, alle er veldig gode. (Photo amp Photo 2) 112. Massevis av 10 forskjellige nøkler: fem hundesnøkler på en ring en ONEHANDER 10-tommers ukjent 6-tommers med en åpen ende, en offset hex-boks en AIRCO 8090041 og og en 6,5-tommers åpen ende og en firkantet boks i den andre enden, og en drivnøkkel. (Photo amp Photo 2) 113. Mange tre buggy skiftenøkler en med buet håndtak. (Foto) 114. Mange av åtte forskjellige skruenøkkel: kombinationsnøkkel med tre stikkontakter og en skrutrekker i rød maling: en klipsnål med åpen endevegg i den ene enden og tråder i andre en grov FORD åpen ende en flatt stål DEERE nøkkel med litt grop og i rød maling en 8-tommers med 302 eller 802 kastet i håndtak, åpen i den ene enden og boksen på andre etc. (Photo amp Photo 2) 115. Syv forskjellige nøkler: KEN TOOL G-30 32686 med nøkkel SURPANER VANA-LION Laget i FRANCE WILLIAMS etc. (Photo amp Photo 2) 116. Massevis av 11 forskjellige nøkler: Modifisert NASA eller NASH 38 og 716 K4 AUTO-KIT nr. 100 fire OXWALL tenningsnøkler 3 tenningsnøkler laget i USA med et stjernelogo osv. (Photo amp Photo 2) 117. Fire skruenøkkel: HERBRAND nr. 140 VAN-CHROME med alligator ende og føler målere i den andre enden WampB No. 0 BULL DOG ​​alligator med skrutrekker etc. (Foto) 118. Mange 14 forskjellige skiftenøkler : SIMANCO 8443 SampT CO. DELCO lyspluggnøkkel med to følermålere American Bosch Magneto Corp . Snath-skiftenøkkel BENDIX SCINTILLA 11-490, etc. (Photo amp Photo 2) 119. Robert Wrench Co. New York 13-tommers selvjusterende rørnøkkel, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 120. TROJAN WRENCH CO. 12-tommers hurtig justering, US PAT. 1968783, trenger en lett rengjøring, veldig bra samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 121. BULLARD selvjusterende rør 8-tommers skiftenøkkel, komplett og veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 122. Ukjent gjør 9-tommers trykknapp justering av rørnøkkel med fjærbelastet svingende overkjeven, merket PATD på siden av håndtaket, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 123. Par maskinpistolnøkler: den større er for en Browning .50 kaliber og den minste er for en .30 kaliber, begge veldig gode. (Photo amp Photo 2) 124. ICI NO. 3 HANDY kjøkken multi verktøy: tang, pottløfter, komfyr lokk løfter, skrutrekker, kan åpner, bladet for blikkåpner er MIA. (Photo amp Photo 2) 125. UNIVERSAL WRENCH CO. 8-tommers UNIVERSAL med håndtak på siden, PAT. 6-3-19 amp 7-22-19, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 126. IMP ANGLE WRENCH BLOOMINGTON ILL 9-tommers med vipphode, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 127. GELLMAN MFG. ROCK ISLAND, ILL 12-tommers NO. 121 hurtigjustering av kjeve mutternøkkel, patentert 17. april 1923, veldig god samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 128. 1AA 6,5-tommers kultivernøkkel i grønn maling, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 129. BLACKHAWK utklipp 7-tommers malt med hammerhodet og nib. (Photo amp Photo 2) 130. Pitman nøkler 1231 6,5-tommers, veldig god samlet. (Photo amp Photo 2) 131. DAVID BRADLEY MFG WKS BRADLEY ILL 105A med hammer, 10-tommers, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 132. Ukjent 9-tommers G17 nøkkel med hammer, bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 133. COLLINS PLOW CO. 7-tommers 124 med hammer, veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 134. Tre stemplet DEERE skiftenøkkel: JD-50 JD-51 amp JD-52, alt veldig bra. (Foto) 135. CASE 031W flat stål 11-tommers, god samlet. (Foto) 136. Mange av to tunge bankvesker med glidelåser, jo mindre kan låses med hengelås, den større er merket Shadow Lawn SL Covered Bridge 18, og den mindre posen er merket Shadow Lawn Savings Long Branch NJ pluss tre klut penger poser inkludert en fra den amerikanske mynten som holdt 50 i cent, alt veldig bra. (Photo amp Photo 2) 137. Stanley 6 jern forflytende plan Type 17 WWII-modell med hardt gummijusteringsmutter, farget hardvedbolt og høyt knott, noe lyst oransje overflate-rust på grunn av å bli lagret i en fuktig kjeller, vil rense til veldig bra. (Foto) 138. To håndkrummede benkeklipper, en mangler trehåndtaket, begge har intakte steiner og verktøystøtter, den i gråmaling spinner fritt og trenger bare et håndtak og en lysolje, den intakte modellen er stiv og vil i det minste trenge olje og kanskje en rengjøring, men steinen spinner sant og det vil gjøre en god bruker. (Photo amp Photo 2) 139. Tre jern glatte fly: Stanley 4 jern glatt planet Type 17 WWII modell med hard gummi justeringsmutter, farget hardwood tote og høy knott, lett rust på utsatte overflater SHELTON 9-tommers glattere, komplett og veldig bra og en Stanley 0H4 TO TONE 9-tommers glatt plan med blå seng og frosk, fin tote og knopp, veldig bra samlet. (Photo) 140. Perfekt håndtak-type 16-tommers skrutrekker CRAFTSMAN (Millers Falls) trykkbor med stiv fjær, fire av de opprinnelige åtte bitene som er inkludert i håndtak, biter og håndtak trenger rengjøring og en Stanley 171 8-oz. plumb bob, veldig bra samlet. ( Photo ) 141. Pair of iron smooth planes: Diamond Edge DE4C with nice wooden knob, tote a somewhat crude homemade model (originally they were hard rubber or plastic), good original blade, will clean to very good overall and a SHELTON 9-inch smoother, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 142. Stanley Excelsior-style 6 12-inch iron block plane with knuckle jointed lever cap, several patent dates on lateral lever, light rust on sides and sole, small chips from back right side, good overall and a Stanley 66 Type I beader, comes with straight fence and brass blade clamp, the screw for the blade clamp is missing and no blades are included. ( Photo ) 143. Sargent 418 iron fore plane, nice original blade, good tote and tall knob, complete and very good overall. ( Photo ) 144. Millers Falls No. 718 chain drill new never-opened original box. This is a military surplus chain drill coated is cosmoline in original Millers Falls box. The entire box is wrapped in a wax-type paper impregnated with grease. Included are three photos of a similar one that we have opened to give you an idea of what to expect inside. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 145. GILBERT childs tool chest with pressed-steel plane, wooden handled hammer, pliers, saw, chisel, and brace-type screwdriver in a wooden chest, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 146. SUNNEN PRODUCTS CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. No. DL-120 automotive valve-spring compressor in primer. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 147. THE AMERICAN TEACH-N-FUN TOOL CHEST FOR JUNIOR WOODWORKERS FROM 6 UP childs tool chest in original tin box, complete with screwdriver, hammer, ATF screwdrver, square, pliers, and open-end wrench, very good overall plus a box only for a Handy Andy childs tool chest. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 148. WOLVERINE ADDING MACHINE in tin cabinet, made by the WOLVERINE SUPPLY MFG. CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. is bent on one of the front bottom corners, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 149. Lot of three miniature all-wood saws. ( Photo ) 150. NICE brass cased rabbet or shoulder plane 1 12-inch blade, several owner names on toe, first weve seen of this model. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 151. Lot of three sharpening stones, one round one wedge shaped and one rectangular, all very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 152. Lot of four layout tools: Stanley 20 try square with 8-inch blade and rosewood handle, very good Stanley 25 sliding bevel with 10-inch blade and rosewood handle, very good 65 marking gage, complete and fine and an unmarked double beam wedge-locking marking gage, good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 153. Pair of razor hones: ONEIDA RAZOR HONE fine stone in original albeit tattered paper sleeve and a HENRY SEARS amp SONS REX RAZOR STONE, fine stone in a worn box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 154. Torsion Balance Co. Style 272 scale, 120G Capacity, in nice wooden and glass case, good glass, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 155. NOR MARK TRI-HONE revolving knife sharpening station in original box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 156. Boxed set of brass scale weights, the largest is a 1000 grams. Two of the original weights are missing. From what we can deduce the missing weights are the 1 gram and 75 gram weights. Here are the 1000, 500, 200, two 100s, 50, 20, two 10s, 5, and two 2g. The box is dirty and a bit scuffed, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 157. M. KLEIN amp SON 1888 Patent cable stretcher, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 158. Lot: tin wall-mounting match holder that holds a box of strike-anywhere matches, in red paint 4-position mouse trap with wooden base and four candy filled toy tools three screwdrivers and one hand saw. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 159. Unknown animal trap with length of chain, likely for a water set. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 160. Lot of 18 assorted screwdrivers, 15 have wooden handles, and one has a cap at the end of the handle and a gimlet bit stored inside. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 161. Three crating hammers: NOX TOX by the BRIDGEPORT HDWE MFG CO. in black paint WEBER SUPPLY CO. MOMENCE, ILL. likely made by Bridgeport and a BABY TERRIER by the BRIDGEPORT HDWE MFG CO. complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 162. Three vises: wooden jewelers vise large steel hand vise marked GERMANY and a later hand vise with wooden handle, in red paint. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 163. Lot of ten assorted dividers including a QUICK SET No. 18 PAT. NEI. 1731954 by REINER amp CAMPBELL N. Y.C. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 164. Small advertising anvilpaperweight, marked PHILADELPHIA SMELTING WORKS DEOXYDIZED BRONZE GENUINE BABBITT, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 165. Pair of small cast iron saw handles: DISSTON U. S.A. with intact blade and good screw, very good overall and a McNiece Patent (U. S. No. 216,800) missing tip of blade, but otherwise fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 166. Pair of miniature anvil paperweights: one is iron and the other is lead or some other non-ferrous metal, both are very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 167. Four wooden handled screwdrivers including a Stanley HURWOOD with SW logo. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 168. Two pairs of EIFEL-Patent Plierench tools: on top is a POWERCRAFT M-4665 with plastic insulated handles, one jaw, very good overall and a EIFEL-FLASH PLIERENCH PAT 5.2.16 FLASHSLS CN. CHICAGO with one jaw and some light pitting, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 169. Change dispenser like those worn on a belt and used by carhops and gas station attendants, PAT. MAR 14-1916 MAY 15-1917 and JUL 26-1921 plus a extra quarter tube. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 170. Mini anvil or paperweight with four holes in base for mounting to a bench top, has SPAIN cast into side, smal hardy hole, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 171. Lot: 8-inch pair of nippers, very good 8.5-inch soldering tongs and a Millers Falls May 25, 1909 patent depth stop for a auger bits, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 172. Mini steel anvil-shaped paper weight, complete and very good, painted black and marked TAIWAN on side, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 173. Lot of five assorted letter openers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 174. Two little anvils: The one on top is a glass anvil with hammer on top that was made by AVON and was originally filled with DEEP WOODS aftershave lotion and the one on the bottom is made of iron, and painted black. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 175. Two malleable wrenches including a 10-inch PATD buggy wrench and a 6.75-inch with a four digit number that ends in 260, single opening on one end and three openings at other, some pitting, good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 176. Mini anvil-shaped paper weight, has H W cast into one side and SINCE 1959 in the other side, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 177. Shoemakers lasting pliers, the hammer head has been ground in two places and a specialty bloat tool that was used to drain gas from a bloated cow, marked BURROWS EQUIP CO EVANSTON ILL, comes with a nice leather sheath. ( Photo ) 178. Two mini anvils: the smallest has two little horseshoes on top and is marked on the bottom MADE IN ENGLAND and 758180 the other is cast iron, unmarked and painted black. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 179. Small hand vise, very good and a tool used to dress grinding wheels. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 180. Mini anvil marked one one side NAME PLATES MACHINERY CASTINGS BABBIT METALS COMPLEMENTS OF the rest is too faint to read, some pitting. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 181. Lot of 12 Perfect Handle-type screwdrivers, most will need the tips reground. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 182. Two wrenches: 8-inch BLUE GRASS Crescent-type, complete and fine and a 6-inch Zilliox Patent (U. S. No. 1,386,217) marked on end of handle with patent date. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 183. Lot: circular glass cutter PITTSBURGH STEEL letter opener with some pitting and a small pair of homemade trammel points. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 184. C. S. Osborne gooseneck webbing stretcher with most of the original decal intact, very good unknown make C-clamp and a 9-inch Keen Kutter smooth plane, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 185. CORNETA PROMEDOCA REP. DOM machete with wooden handle, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 186. Keen Kutter knife sharpening steel, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 187. Lot of three specialty pliers: ROBINSON WIRE TWISTER PAT. 2394807, very good chain pliers, fine and VLCHEK PHC208 HOSE CLAMP pliers, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 188. Hand cranked eggbeater-type hand drill, very good and two bung augers both with pitting. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 189. Lot of six plier or plier like tools: ENDERES 6-inch plier hand-forged pair of pliers with offset jaws 6 12-inch specialty plier 4 34-inch specialty pliers 5 12-inch needle nose SWEDEN 4 12-inch pair of mini Channelllock-type pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 190. Medium sized sharpening stone in a heavy cast iron base that can be mounted to a bench, has a pulley on one side for hooking to an electric motor, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 191. Nocopress Sleeve Tool No. 51, complete and fine plus a smaller swaging tool marked HKP CLEVELAND OHIO, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 192. Four claw hammers including a very nice BLUEGRASS with original handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 193. Lot of five blacksmith hammers including a nice top swage and four chisels. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 194. Lot: two tap handles a small die stock and an adjustable BOKER thread chaser. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 195. Piano tuning wrench, fine plus a large pair of scissors or shears. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 196. International Harvester Q-5027 chain detaching tool in red paint, very good plus a curved blade with handle marked FAIRMOUNT, likely a dinging or slapping spoon for auto body work. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 197. Four wooden handled claw hammers, one a nice Bluegrass with original handle another Bluegrass with replaced handle and a SIMMONS. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 198. Lot: lug wrench late dog basin wrench T-handled screwdriver, and three mystery tools. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 199. Lot: three pair nippers including a nice DIAMOND pair and two small hack saws. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 200. Unusual GOODELL CO. 88 EUREKA multiple apple peeler and corer, patented AUG. 4, 1874 APR 27, 1886 and NOV 16, 1886. complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 201. Four pair of GERMAN slip-joint pliers with side cutters, all very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 202. Lot: J. H. WILLIAMS cutting off amp side tool holder for lathe, very good some type of bracket marked PATD, painted flat black and a SCALEMASTER No. 10 combination weld cleaning and chipping tool, looks like an offset regular screwdriver U. S. PAT. NEI. 2,592,648, missing the wire brush that would have clamped onto it. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 203. Four assorted tools: 6-inch pair of tin snips 6-inch pair of UTICA parallel jaw pliers similar to BERNARDS, very good unknown make 8-inch duck bill pliers, fine and a KRAEUTER 1841-8 piers that have been modified to work holding pliers perhaps for tin work, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 204. Three pair of tin snips: 10-inch SIMMONS with red handles, very good 12-inch SIMMONS, very good and 12-inch WISS amp SONS, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 205. Four assorted veterinary or medical tools. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 206. Lot: three screwdrivers, one with twisted handle, a stone masons chisel, and a star drilling for busting holes in concrete. ( Photo ) 207. Seven pair of nippers: 6 and 6 12-inch pairs both with pitting unknown make 8-inch pair painted flat black another 8-inch pair, very good unknown make 8-inch, good unknown make 10-inch pair with green handles, one handle shorter than other and a 10-inch DIAMOND No. GG010 complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 208. Four assorted plier or plier-like tools: pruning type tool with chipped blade IXL CHAIN PLIER, very good MONOGRAM specialty pliers for aircraft assembly or repair work and N0. 179 pliers with some rust and pitting. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 209. Lot of six pair of pliers, nippers, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 210. Three plier or plier-like tools including 11-inch TampB TERMINAL TOOL and 9-inch pair of McDonald Patent (U. S. No. 965,722) chain repairing pliers, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 211. Lot of seven plier or plier-like tools including fine 8-inch end cutters HDSampCO. 5 12-inch nippers BLUE BIRD specialty pliers and 6-inch pair FORGED STEEL USA needle nose pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 212. Five assorted tools including a Hercules Lead Sealer crimping tools, fine SPORTSMANS PLIERS for removing fish hooks a specialty Sargent M8196915-02 COAX Removal tool and Italian needle-nose type plier with flat flat jaws and having a cutter on side. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 213. Three pair of pliers: 12-inch pair with some pitting 10-inch pair with slip joint and KRAEUTER 8-inch slip-joint pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 214. Lot: three pliers and two bits CORONA 4-inch pair that are missing a spring that keeps the handles apart and jaws open UDFampT CO UTICA No. 516 5-inch pair of pliers with offset jaw and pistol grip type handles and a 6-inch pair of duck bill pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 215. Lot of six plier or plier-like tools most likely jewelers tools: 5 12-inch CRUSADER needle nose 5-inch pair made in SWEDEN 4-inch pair marked GERMANY 5-inch pair MADE IN USofA ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 216. Lufkin 8152 tailors curve stick, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 217. Osborne, Kemper, Tomas, Inc. salesmans case of wooden folding rules and wooden nickels that businesses could order their names on and give out for advertising, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 218. Two 2-foot Lufkin No. 8206 shrink rules: one marked 24 38 inches to 2 feet, has small hang hole at one end, a 3 12-inch crack shown in top photo, good brass tips, good overall the other marked SHRINK 316 PER FOOT, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 219. Boxed SET No. 1 wooden scales or rules all inside a nice wooden box with hinged lid. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 220. Lufkin No. 34V vertically reading 24-inch wooden rule with brass ends, has tiny hang hole at one end, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 221. Stanley 34 Tool Catalog from 1927 has a few small creases to the cover and small piece missing from the bottom corner, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 222. Unusual Standard SQUARE INCH TAILOR SYSTEM wooden rule with curve on one side, marked Registered in the United States Patent Office, Washington, D. C. No. 31,285, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 223. Stanley 34 Tool Catalog, we cannot find a date on it, it has one big crease near the outside edge of the cover, otherwise complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 224. Goldsberry Patent (U. S. No. 563,370) folding garment cutters square, made on a patent issued July 7, 1896, the ink used to put the patent date on this one has smudged, features an interesting locking joint, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 225. Unusual Griffin Patent 32-oz. lighted plumb bob, like new condition with original box. This will shoot light out the bottom under battery power, but it also comes with a solid point, so the user can use it like a conventional bob. Also comes with original instruction sheet. Box shows signs of moderate wear. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 226. Two Stanley 34 catalogs: on the left is a 1947 edition, the cover has a few scuffs and creases, very good overall and a 1935 edition with heavy creasing, front cover missing pieces from around the edge, inside is very good, some moisture staining to the first several pages, good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 227. Two point-of-sale advertising pieces: one depicts a carpenter and one a mason, both have holes around the edge from having been mounted in frames. ( Photo ) 228. Stanley 34 Tool Catalog, back cover missing, front cover and first few pages separated, could be rebound and an original 1939 Union Twist Drill Co. Athol Mass. 325-page catalog of drill bits, mills, machine cutters, wooden cases and boxes, machines soft cover is soiled and torn at bottom of spine, inside intact and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 229. Pair of Stanley tool catalogs including a rare 1907 No. 34 that has some mild staining but is otherwise complete and very good and a 1927 pocket catalog that has some old tears on the back cover that have been taped with Scotch tape, light to moderate soiling, complete. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 230. W. amp L. E. Gurley Engineers or surveyors chain with brass handles each marked W. ampL. E. GURLEY, has brass tags every 10 feet, light rust, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 231. Fine Lufkin 34 14V, 12-inch rule with vertically reading numbers, nice brass ends, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 232. Pair of little oil cans, both are very good. ( Photo ) 233. Cleveland Twist Drill Co. wooden drill index for numbered drills, needs cleaning, very good. ( Photo ) 234. Three small oil cans the one on the left has EAGLE PAT. FEBRUARY 27, 1923 MADE IN USA stamped into the top, very good the one in the middle is polished and very good the one on the right has stripped threads in the top. ( Photo ) 235. Metal WHITMAN BARNES-DETROIT CORP. NO. 8 drill index for numbered drills, very good. ( Photo ) 236. Small 8-drawer parts cabinet from a clockwatch shop. The bottom three drawers have inserts for storing round items, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 237. Two small oil cans that may be typewriter oilers or used on fishing reels the one on the left is a Fisher Patent (U. S. Design Patent 21,671) marked on bottom PAT JUNE 28, 1892 and the one on the right is marked MADE IN USA on bottom, very good with cover. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 238. Set of square shanked twist drills in a round wooden box plus as spare wooden drill box that has a cracked lid, and does not contain any bits. ( Photo ) 239. Three small oilers or oil cans: the pancake model on the left is marked GERMANY, very good the center one is threaded at the top of the spout but has no cap, otherwise fine and the one on right marked MADE IN USA on top, has dent in bottom, intact cap, very good. ( Photo ) 240. to 269. OPEN. 270. Three assorted wrenches: 10-inch W1795 owner marked EMERSON on one side, in primer a buggy or vehicle wrench painted red, some pitting visible under paint and a flat steel 9-inch marked HARIS CALORIFIC CO. 9-W, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 271. Pair of hydrant wrenches like those found hanging on fire trucks: on top is a PEORIA MALLEABLE complete and fine on the bottom is an AKRON BRASS MFG. INC. PAT. Februar 24, 1925, in primer with pitting below the primer. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 272. Lot: 10-inch crimping tool, very good 10-inch PEXTO gas pliers, fine 10-inch Rowley Patent (U. S. No. 1,858,418) RAJAH crimping plier, fine and a 8-inch NeverSlip plier that is missing the cam from one of the handles. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 273. Three wrenches and a pipe cutter: 18-inch, very good 15-inch single ended alligator wench painted black with pitting below paint NO. 1 SAUNDERS TYPE pipe cutter by the AMERICAN PIPE TOOL CO. very good overall and a UTILITY BASIN WRENCH PAT. NEI. 2166449, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 274. Four assorted wrenches: unmarked 10-inch flat steel 11.5-inch BILLINGS spud wrench, painted black with some pitting 14-inch offset at both ends, marked 78 TRUE 1316 FIT, very good and a 13-inch THE GEALY Patent (U. S. NO. 802,187) chain pipe wrench made on a patent issued May 17, 1905 to George M. Gealy of ENON VALLEY, PA, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 275. Pair of chain drills one has a two-jaw chuck the other has a simple chuck that secures the bit with a screw, appears to be Goodell Pratt make, both have been repainted black. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 276. Three assorted wrenches: Multi size drain plug wrench marked DL CO. MIL WIS, PAT. PEND. very good 9-inch TIRE CARRIER WRENCH 678225, in primer and an 8-inch Homsher Patent (U. S. NO. 2,196,701) electricians conduit wrench, marked PAT PEND. very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 277. One Shapleighs No. F5943G ratchet brace with 10-in. sweep in original pasteboard box, brace is very good, box is well worn with scotch tape holding the corners together. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 278. Wooden auger bit box with five SHAPLEIGH wooden auger bits, one unmarked screwdriver bit, all very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 279. Small cast iron crucible with wire bale handle plus a cast iron KONRO Japanese hibachi grill base with three integral legs, a sliding vent near the bottom and three holes in the bottom, has two round handles on the sides. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 280. Lot of hole cutting attachments for use in electric drills: the first is a Clark Adjustable Hole Cutter in original pasteboard box and a pair of BRUNO hole cutters in original plastic or bakelite box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 281. Lot of taps, screw extractors, some in original wooden boxes with sliding lids and a big of assorted bits. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 282. Nice 0-1-inch micrometer from St. James Minnesota, comes with ratcheting stop, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 283. Lot: three bearing scrapers simple brace that may have come from a childs tool set archimedes drill and reamer. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 284. Two little clamps including a HARTFORD 6-inch bar clamp, both very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 285. Two interesting measuring tools: one is a hat sizing tool, complete and fine the other is a registering inside caliper by CORLIN CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 286. WOBURN MACH. CO. WOBURN, MASS violin registering or indicating caliper with wooden handle, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 287. Pair of iron and steel barn pulleys. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 288. Three machinist combination sets all missing the square heads. The one on top has a 24-inch Starrett scale. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 289. Two early barn pulleys with wooden spools. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 290. Pike Hard Arkansas Oil Stone fine with original label, in a worn and soiled original pasteboard box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 291. Lot: Keen Kutter try square with chunk of iron handle broken out plus two Stanley 75 bullnose rabbet planes one with early football logo on blade, complete and very good the other with an unmarked blade. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 292. Box of STARRETT REDSTRIPE 14-inch 1 14-inch heavy duty hacksaw blades, blades are NOS, box is very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 293. Pair of non-sparking BYRCLO P300 pliers with red rubber handle covers, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 294. FIRESTONE SHOCK FORTIFIED advertising tire with glass ashtray in the center, complete and very good plus a set of VIM TOOLS LA VERNE CALIFORNIA ignition wrenches, like new in original plastic pouch. ( Photo ) 295. Two non-sparking tools: homemade copper spatula with wooden handle and a BERYLCO No. 300 beryllium pliers with side cutter, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 296. Three oilers: two miniature oil cans and a small typewriter oiler, all very good. They are double bagged because at least one had oil in that has spilled all over the inside of the bag plus a Tri Star plastic caliper in original packaging. ( Photo ) 297. XACTO carving tool set in original wooden box, fine set that appears to be complete in a good box that needs new hinges for the lid. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 298. Stanley 59 dowling jig with six guides and clamp, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 299. Lot: three boxes American Ball Blue Whitens Clothes, all three are full of the original chemical balls box of JARVIE PATENT (U. S. No. 2,634,463) siding ventilators, box is well worn and soiled, the ventilators are fine and a Tower Manufacturing Corp. Madison Indiana Household Brad amp Nail Assortment in a well-worn box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 300. Fine A. S. Aloe Co. St. Louis Laboratory Scales in a wooden and glass case. Aloe were makers of surveying and other precision instruments in St. Louis Missouri. This set was likely used in the laboratory of a college or university, it is complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 301. MERMOD amp JACARD JEWELRY CO. ST. LOUIS opera glasses in original case, the leather case is dried out and missing the button that would be pushed to open the lid, the glasses themselves have a chipped but working bakelite adjuster screw and the leather that once covered the brass body is missing in places. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 302. Scarce BLATNER amp ADAM ST. LOUIS surveyors compass in brass case with folding vanes, intact lens, very good working condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 303. Lot of 13 assorted plow plane blades or irons, most will need cleaning. ( Photo ) 304. Pair of transitional jack planes: Stanley 27 complete and very good and a Sargent 3417 that is dirty and has light rust on the blade, will clean to very good. ( Photo ) 305. Lot of 8 assorted plow plane blades or irons, most will need cleaning. ( Photo ) 306. Pair of 20-inch transitional fore or jointer planes: one with FULTON blade, with some white overspray, complete and very good and a Sargent 3420 with early circular logo blade, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 307. Lot 12 plow plane blades including a nice set of 7 marked W. BUTCHER and 5 OHIO TOOL CO. some with light rust. ( Photo ) 308. Pair of transitional jack planes: Stanley 27 12 wide body, faint mark on toe, BB-logo blade, light rust on blade and chipbreaker will clean to usable condition and a Sargent 3416 with early circular logo on blade, first type horseshoe lateral lever, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 309. Stanley 45 Type 3, japanned main sections, with box of 18 blades including the one in the plane, one depth top, needs rear depth stop, will easily clean to very good overall condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 310. Lot: Three tool books plus a video tape of The Woodwrights Ship with Roy Underhill. One of the books is Manual of Traditional Wood Carving by Paul N. Hasluck another is a 2001 MWTCA reprint of a circa 1867 catalog of A. J. WILKINSON amp CO. of Boston and the last is an original AUDELS Carpenters and Builders Guide 2. ( Photo ) 311. Early Stanley 46 skew bladed plow plane with japanned body and sliding section long rods, one depth stop, and box of 11 blades all in very good overall condition. ( Photo ) 312. Millers Falls 85 rabbet plane (same as Stanley 78) complete in original pasteboard box, plane is fine box is very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 313. Lot: four clippers and three hay hooks. On clipper is marked H. S.B. ampCO. CHICAGO. ( Photo ) 314. Two pair of heavy duty scissors or shears: one is marked HIBBARD and the other is marked JOHN PRIMBLE. ( Photo ) 315. Millers Falls No. 718 chain drill new never-used condition. This is a military surplus chain drill coated is cosmoline in original Millers Falls box. Until we removed it, the entire box was wrapped in a wax-type paper impregnated with grease. just like those in lots 39 and 144. The cosmoline can be easily removed with a brush and a pan of mineral spirits. ( Photo ) 316. Lot of 10 Perfect Handle-type screwdrivers. ( Photo ) 317. Lot of 10 Perfect Handle-type screwdrivers. ( Photo ) 318. Five wooden molding planes: J. T. BROWN (Baltimore, maker, script lettering) modified hollow, good Wm C. ROSS BALTo 4 round, fine J. T. BROWN (Baltimore, maker, script lettering) 1 38-inch round, fine ATKINSON BALTIMORE 2 hollow, very good, rated 2 stars in AWP and an Ohio Tool 116 skew bladed 1 58-inch rabbet, needs cleaning, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 319. Three wooden molding planes: JOHN BELL PHILAD. hollow, a few chips and dings, very good JONES PHILA, F mark rated 3 stars in AWP, very good and a JOHN BELL PHILAD 12-inch single boxed side bead, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 320. Five wooden molding planes: early D. THOMSON hollow with wide chamfers, faint name on toe, typical nicks and dings, very good overall T. S. amp CLARK 58-inch tongue cutter, steel wear strip along inside of fence, fine Wm BLAIR amp CO CHICAGO, ILL, 12-inch grooving plow has a hang hole in the front, B mark rated 3 stars in AWP, good overall SANDUSKY special No. 150 weatherstrip rabbet plane with original brass strips on bottom, fine overall L. B. BIGELOW (Providence, RI) 38-inch fully boxed side bead, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 321. Four wooden molding planes: DENISON 14-inch round, complete and very good J. DENISON 38-inch fully boxed side bead, very good W. WATKINS 4 round, fine and S. DALPE ROXTON POND O (Ontario) 14-inch boxed side bead, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 322. Four wooden side bead planes: unknown make 316-inch with worn boxing, good overall NEWARK NJ 12-inch with single boxing, very good IOHN GREEN slip boxed 38-inch, very good and unknown make 14-inch with single boxing, dirty, will clean to very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 323. Pair of 30-inch wooden levels: C-S CO. (Chapin-Stephens) plumb amp level, both vials intact, very good overall and a 29 12-inch Stanley 3 plumb amp level with brass end plates and brass top plate, intact vials, numerous nicks and dings in the laminated stock, good usable condition. ( Photo ) 324. Three wooden bench planes: two 16-inch wooden jack planes by AUBURN TOOL amp SCIOTO WORKS and a J. PEARCE NEW YORK NO. 100 8-inch single iron smoother that has some paint or other substance on the sides and sole that will need to be cleaned, will clean to very good usable condition. ( Photo ) 325. Two wooden levels: 28 14-inch DISSTON plumb amp level, both vials intact, brass ends, numerous nicks and dings, very good overall and an early 28-inch Stanley 10 with laminated mahogany stock, both vials intact very good overall. ( Photo ) 326. Pair of 22-inch OGONTZ NO. 21 wooden jointer planes, one is complete and very good and the other is complete, is scuffed and dirty and needs a good cleaning, should clean to good usable condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 327. Three wooden levels: 26-inch Stanley SW NO. 2 plumb amp level, both vials intact, very good overall 24-inch Stanley 00 plumb amp level, both vials intact, dark stain, on wood, very good overall and a 24-inch Stanley 1 plumb amp level with intact vials, very good overall. ( Photo ) 328. Chapin-Stephens No. 160, 2-inch wooden jack rabbet plane missing nicker from one side, the other nicker is present, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 329. Two 24-inch masons levels: SIMONS SW-24, one dry 45 degree vial, other vials intact, good and a Stanley 257 with all four vials intact, will clean to very good. ( Photo ) 330. Keen Kutter K5 12 wide body jack plane, nice RECORD blade, nice low knob, tote a good replacement, will make a fine user. ( Photo ) 331. Stanley 324 24-inch GENUINE CHERRY masons level, complete and fine. ( Photo ) 332. Stanley 4C iron smooth plane, good tote and tall knob, will clean to very good overall condition. ( Photo ) 333. Pair of Stanley No. 00 plumb amp levels: 22-inch Stanley SW, both vials intact, brass vial cap for plumb vial is missing from top of stock, good overall and an 18-inch SW, both vials intact, numerous nicks and dings, good usable condition. ( Photo ) 334. Pair of Stanley iron bench planes: early 5 with low knob and early-style tote has had tote spur broken off and reattached, good Q-logo blade, small hang hole in rear of bed, very good usable condition: and a 4 Type 11 with Q-logo blade, tall knob, tote broken and glued in center, a good user. ( Photo ) 335. Pair of Stanley 104 wooden levels: 16-inch SW, both vials intact, numerous nicks and dings, good overall and a 14-inch V-logo, both vials intact fine. ( Photo ) 336. Three tape measures: KEUFFEL amp ESSER FAVORITE WYTEFACE 100-foot steel tape, fine overall and two LUFKIN cloth tapes in brass cases, the larger one has a crushed case, the other is good. ( Photo ) 337. Three wooden levels: 12-inch Stanley 104 plumb amp level, both vials intact, plumb vial cover is MIA, good overall 14-inch Stanley 102 with big hang hole in stock and heavy coat of lacquer or varnish and a 14-inch Stanley 104 both vials intact, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 338. Unknown make 10-inch cooper or carriage makers drawknife, handles are cracked but still usable, very good. ( Photo ) 339. Lot: unknown make 12-inch drawknife with curved blade Stanley No. 264 aluminum torpedo level with shaft groove, all vials intact, very good and try square with rosewood handle and 7 12-inch blade, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 340. Witte Hardware St. Louis WITTES IXL 10-inch drawknife, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 341. Lot: Stanley No. 260 rosewood torpedo level, very good sliding bevel with 8-inch blade, very good and a try square with 4 12-inch blade, light pitting on both sides. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 342. Pair of hatchets: PLUMB broad hatchet with hammer head and nail notch, a few small chips around the hammer face, and the handle needs to be refitted, good overall plus a lathing hatchet, with loose handle, sharp. ( Photo ) 343. L. S. Starrett mercury-filled plumb bob, top has small piece missing and will need a repair, good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 344. Pair of hatchets: PLUMB broad hatchet with hang hold in end of handle, complete and very good. ( Photo ) 345. Two Stanley planes: 4C iron smooth plane, tote broken in center and glued, some light rust, will clean to good or better usable condition plus a 191 iron rabbet plane, missing the blade, intact lever cap. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 346. E. C. SIMMONS (St. Louis) KEEN KUTTER lathing or roofing hatchet, has what looks like the original handle, but it needs to be re-secured, very good head. ( Photo ) 347. Fine Millers Falls No. 5 eggbeater hand drill, complete with original decal on the handle, handle full of bits, near new condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 348. Three 9-inch iron smooth planes: PARPLUS-type with stamped steel frog, complete early Stanley 4 with beaded low knob, good V-logo blade, tote broken at base and glued, will make good user and a SHELTON No. 9, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 349. Millers Falls 9 iron smooth plane, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 350. Three steel tape measures: Lufkin Stanley No. 1206W, complete and very good and a Disston No. 3210 10-foot WHITE CHIEF, good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 351. Millers Falls No. 815 iron jack plane, new old stock, a new plane in a fine box. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 352. Stanley Handyman No. H1205 iron jack plane complete and fine in tattered remains of original box. ( Photo ) 353. Two small levels: 12-inch Millers Falls No. 312 in original red paint, both vials intact, complete and very good and a GampJ PRODUCTS 7-inch plumb amp level, marked JAPAN, some staining, plumb vial intact, level vial dry. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 354. to 387. OPEN. 388. Three ball peen hammers including a non-sparking AMPCO H2 with green painted handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 389. Three ball peen hammers including a nice PLUMB 24-oz. and one with a mark we cannot quite make out. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 390. Large HART TOOL CO. 20-oz. THE FRAMER HICKORY hammer with nice handle, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 391. Lot of three wooden handled claw hammers one marked HAND FORGED TAIWAN another with a mark that we cannot make out. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 392. Lot: PENNSYLVANIA SAW WORKS VICTOR No. 22 hack saw a wire framed hack saw and two ball peen hammers, the bigger one marked FAIRMOUNT on one side and NYCS on other side, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 393. Lot: angle boring attachment for a brace ratchet wrench magnet mounted to a leather strap dental pick, and numerous other tools. ( Photo ) 394. Lot: several brass items clamp two different tubing cutters, one marked PAT APPLD etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 395. Lot: bearing scraper two screwdrivers SNAP-ON metalworking hammer, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 396. Lot: Keen Kutter puddy knife with rosewood handle, very good wallboard cutter, tapered reamer, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 397. E. C. Stearns saw vice that clamps to a bench or table top, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 398. Lot: NOS Sears Roebuck Co. OMT X 33 arbor IOB brad shooter surgical staple remover mystery clamp two vinegar barrel taps coping saw set of MASCOT mini jewelers drill bits in wooden box with cardboard sleeve, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 399. Unusual Works Progress Administration WPA (1935 - 1943) wooden level, this unusual piece was found in Southern Missouri. Its a wooden level marked WPA on the sides. It is made up of a 30-inch Stanley 0 level that is attached to a 66-inch board with two L-shaped brackets, both vials intact, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 400. Scarce railroad track level marked on top plate GEMCO TRU-BLU GIBRALTAR E. M. CO. ALTON, ILL U. S.A. The oak stock is just over 60 inches long, and just under 2 inches tall, all the trim has bright plating, bracket on one end has a brazed repair, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 401. Pair of stove dampers: 8-inch LIBERTY FDY CO. ST. LOUIS, complete and fine and unknown make 8 12-inch. very good. ( Photo ) 402. Lot: Unusual gear-driven offset screwdriver with plastic handle unknown clamp and pair of steel trammels. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 403. Lot of 21 stove dampers each marked 101 HampC, perfect for the steam punk art project you have been putting off. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 404. Pry bar in red paint and a DASCO 1934 tuck point rake, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 405. Lot of 5 DIAMOND 6-inch cast iron stove dampers, PAT. NEI. 1937708, marked on one side and THE ADAMS CO. ESTABLISHED 1883 DUBUQUE IA, all very good. ( Photo ) 406. Lot: pitted Keen Kutter broad hatchet pitted hammer with curved pick and long head and an ACE SLIP amp LOCK-NUT adjustable wrench. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 407. Three 4-inch GRISWOLD NEW AMERICAN, REVERSIBLE STEEL SPINDLE patented stove dampers, all very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 408. Lot: two mystery tools with ratchet action a ZIPPY aluminum bodied pipe cutter and an ALL-POWER PAT. 2,487,638 ridge reamer. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 409. Lot of 5 DIAMOND 6-inch cast iron stove dampers, PAT. NEI. 1937708, marked on one side and THE ADAMS CO. ESTABLISHED 1883 DUBUQUE IA, one missing the spring from end of handle, the other four are all complete and very good. ( Photo ) 410. Three cable stretchers the one on the right by CRESCENT TOOLS. ( Photo ) 411. to 446. OPEN. 447. Pair of Stanley 9-inch iron smooth planes: one with VICTOR name cast into lever cap, complete and very good and a 4 Type 17 WWII model with hard rubber adjuster nut, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 448. Lot: FULTON double ended iron block plane with stripped threads on cap screw Stanley 64 iron spokeshave with SW blade and lever cap, but missing the screw that secures the blade and cap and another Stanley iron spokeshave complete and usable. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 449. Sargent 418 iron fore plane, complete with fine original tote and nice beaded knob, very good original blade marked with the model number, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 450. Scarce Sargent 22 Shaws Patent iron jointer plane, 90 percent plus japanning, fine original tote and knob, nice early iron with circular logo, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 451. Pair of wooden planes: Ohio Tool Co. 1 14-inch twin iron nosing plane, complete and very good plus a 639 Sargent (Sandusky) 78-inch dado plane with screw operated depth stop, intact nicker, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 452. Pair of iron smooth planes: Sargent 409 with chip from base of knob, and a chip from end of tote spur, some very light rust, will clean to very good usable condition plus a DIAMOND EDGE DE4 iron smoother with good rosewood tote and low knob, light rust on good original blade, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 453. Pair of wooden planes: CHAPIN-STEPHENS CO. No. 133, 1 14-inch nosing plane, complete and very good and a nice A. MATHIESON amp SON GLASGOW 58-inch dado plane with intact nicker and nice nicker wedge, fine overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 454. Pair of double ended iron block planes: SBS Siegley, complete and very good and a Sargent with early circular logo on the blade, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 455. Stanley 45 Type 9 combination plow plane, very good rosewood handle and knob, nice nickel plating, comes with all three main sections, long rod, depth stop, beading stop, and set of Type 5 blades including seven beads, one match, eight plows and a dated slitter, all in their original box with hooks that hold the lid on and two spare spurs stapled to the box all inside an original chestnut box that has a partial label on one end, no lid. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 456. Later model Stanley 50 light duty plow plane with fine japanning on body and having a nice rosewood handle, thumb operated blade adjuster, beading stop, intact nicker, one blade included, fine overall condition. ( Photo ) 457. Stanley 45 TYPE I combination plow plane, comes with three main sections nice beaded knob, rosewood handle, front and rear depth stops, beading stop, no blades included, fine overall condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 458. Docking or castrating tool, marked PATENTED on one side, some light pitting, good overall plus a shoe last and a KEEN KUTTER shovel blade that needs a handle. ( Photo ) 459. Unusual automobile jack, has a 2-inch extension on top that can be folded down or used upright depending on the application plus a splitting wedge and a rock hammer head. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 460. Small wooden box containing a five Belknap Bluegrass files, a Bluegrass rasp a small wooden spring-loaded push drill that looks like a bow drill etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 461. Interesting carved pair of little pliers made for one single piece of wood, in working condition, the tag on them says they are handmade in Redfield, Arkansas. ( Photo ) 462. Three assorted wrenches: FORD 5-Z-319 valve compressor, fine a small 4-inch open on end end and having a square box on other, some light pitting and a 7-inch alligator that previous owner has written D. E. på. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 463. Two all-steel FORDSON screwdrivers plus a 7.5-inch Thom Patent crate opening tool (U. S. 669,106) that was patented as a nail-extracting pry bar. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 464. Two offset screwdrivers: a Stanley 67, complete and very good and PROTO 36 plus a nice cast iron leather or shoe burnishing tool. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 465. Four pocket levels: two Stanley 41 pocket levels that can be attached to a square, both have steel tops and intact vials, both very good and two nearly identical models of the Stanley 41, one a brass top and one steel, both are complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 466. Lot: BLUE BIRD TOFFEE hammer, nickel plated complete and fine plus a small tomahawk with tack or brad lifter notch and bottle cap in end of handle, may be a cigar box opener plus a small wooden handled hatched with nickel plated head, may have come out of a childs tool kit. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 467. Pair of mini block planes: Stanley 101-type cast iron plane with red painted lever cap, complete and very good and a stamped or pressed steel model H101P-type with red lever cap, marked USA on side, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 468. Lot: Clover Farms Dairy (Berks County, PA) milk bottle opener JACK SPRAT BRAND BREAD combination milk bottle opener and bottle opener, very good and two small cast small openers, one with screwdriver at end of handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 469. Millers Falls No. 33 mini block plane (same as Stanley 101), complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 470. Three pocket levels that can be attached to a square: Stanley 41, complete and very good and two unknown similar levels, both with a brass top plate, both complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 471. Three mini hatchets: 3-inch all metal model, complete and very good a 3.5-inch all metal model, very good and a 6-inch wooden handled model, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 472. Two Stanley mini block planes: 101 with red lever cap, complete and fine and a 12-101 with pressed steel body, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 473. Three bottle openers: one has a alligator wrench at one end and two cap lifters, marked COMPLIMENTS OF FRIGID FLUID COMPANY PATENT APPLIED FOR, very good a combination hatchet and bottle opener, a few chips at edge of hatchet blade, good overall and a hatchet and bottle opener marked DIXIE BEER CO on both sides and painted sliver. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 474. Two mini block planes: Stanley 101 with red lever cap, complete and fine and a Stanley H101P with blue bed and red cap, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 475. Lot of nine levels: eight of the nine are the levels from adjustable squares, five still have the scribes the 9th is a nice STEVENS torpedo level from NEWTON FALLS, OHIO, it is complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 476. Three openers: a combined bottle opener and knife sharpener a VAUGHAN patent NIFTY bottle opener with folding corkscrew, can be worn on a keychain, very good and a bottle opener marked ATLAS FOUNDRY CO. MARION IND. GRAY IRON CASTINGS, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 477. Hamilton Postal Scale No. 16, has small piece of the paper label missing, very good overall and two small bells, one with a bottle opener on the top. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 478. Three bottle openers: LIBERTY FOUNDRY CO. ST. LOUIS MO, mini hatchet with bottle opener DIXIE BEER CO. hatchet with bottle opener and a little pocket knife bottle opener, marked AUG Muller Sohne Solingen Germany Rostfrei Stainless Inox. and having name AL ROBERTS on one side and has bottle cap on other side that says HUTCHINSON CROWNS (bottle caps also used on early beer cans), very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 479. Lot: three mini picks two are nickel plated, one is made of brass, all are very good plus two pair of mini pliers one pair has a slip joint, and is usable the other pair is nickel plated and has a hollow rivet for a pivot, both are very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 480. A small tool tote filled with 25 tiny tools like hammers, tin snips, crescent wenches, all very good plus a mini paint can and paint brush that says ORANGE LIP GLOSS on the bottom a miniature non-functional breast drill and a composite display of a section of fence, hammer and nail pouch. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 481. Lot of corkscrews: one is a wooden handled gimlet type one is chrome plated an has a bottle opener and folding knife blade another combo pocket knife, bottle opener and folding corkscrew, needs cleaning and a worm screw from a cork screw. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 482. Lot of two mini screw shackles or clevises and two mini C-clamps, one marked PONY. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 483. Lot: five miniature hammers: one nickel plated sledge marked DAIRY MAID two other sledges and two little claw hammers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 484. Lot: two pair of nippers, one nickel plated and a little paper punch that is marked USA on one handle and THE TRIUMPH ALLENTON, IA. This is a punch advertising the The Triumph Poultry Caponizer patented by D. D. Shirley (U. S. 802,414), it is complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 485. Lot of mini tools: wooden handled claw hammer all metal try square small basting brush little ball peen hammer with screwdriver in end of handle, pitted and a wire handled gimlet. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 486. PLION tie clasp featuring a Lion-like creature with Channel Lock pliers making up the body, made by the PROTO TOOL CO. very good and a pair of mini slip joint pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 487. Three pair of mini pliers: unknown make with copper pivot a spring loaded pair with folding knife blade and folding bottle openerscrewdriver, can be worn on keyring, very good and a SEBERTOOL U. S.A. mini plier with folding handles, has phillips screwdriver at end of one handle and flat blade at end of other handle, satin finished, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 488. Lot of eight little wrenches: 2.75-inch HONG KONG Crescent-type, working three little OXWALL ignition wrenches cigarette lighter marked WRENCH LIGHTER refillable butane lighter with electronic igniter a non-functional mini crescent 2.75-inch working crescent CHINA and a non-functional 2.75-inch nickel plated monkey wench, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 489. Three little shovels: the longest is 8 inches and shortest is 3 inches, all are very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 490. Two miniature saws 4-inch and 6-inch. The 6-inch model has a stamped steel handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 491. Four mini hammers: a nickel plated sledge with DAIRY MAID logo on handle another plated sledge with SEES CANDIES logo on handle a brass sledge and a larger iron sledge. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 492. Fine little jewelers pin vise, marked GERMANY on the handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 493. Small plastic pouch with five mini tools: pocket knife, pliers, scissors, snips, and screwdriver on back of pouch it says ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED WHEN YOU KNOW JOHN S. MACBRYDE CO. DISTRIBUTOR OF THE AMERICAN ECONMOBILE OMAHA, NEB. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 494. Lot: two little screw operated scientific clamps marked FISHER CASTALOY 1692-1 plus 1.25-inch pair of snips that actually open and close and two scraps. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 495. Tiny little 3-inch sad iron, complete and very good plus a brass or bronze indian head that would make a nice decoration on the lid of your box of arrowheads. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 496. A small pinback of a walk-behind plow marked CANTON CLIPPER, complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 497. Three saw related pieces of jewelry: SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO. tie clasp, complete and very good CRAFTSMAN handsaw tie clasp, very good and a money clip with a handsaw on the front, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 498. Small sad iron marked ROUND OAK STOVES AND RANGES, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 499. Three small advertising TO CEMENT OUR FRIENDSHIP TUCKER TRUCK LINES, INC. CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. IF ITS BRICK CALL RICK MELVIN W. RICKARD CO. CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. and COMPLEMENTS OF CLARENCE L. JOSLYN INSURANCE all with wooden handle. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 500. Three small charms: E. C. ATKINS amp CO SILVER STEEL SAWS hand saw, complete and very good circular saw blade COMPLIMENTS OF E. C. ATKINS amp CO. THE SILVER STEEL SAW PEOPLE INDIANAPOLIS, IND. and a small round stove, ice box, or furnace with four legs. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 501. Three mini hammers one with SEES CANDIES advertising and nice nickel plating a similar nickel plated sledge and a small advertising hammer with nested set of little screwdrivers inside handle from SOUTHERN ILL. WHOLESALE CO. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 503. Two belt buckles and a money clip STANLEY POWERLOCK II limited edition belt buckle, very good FIATALLIS bulldozer belt buckle, very good and a SKOAL money clip. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 504. Three miniature tools: two cast iron braces and a small implement wrench. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 505. Lot of nine assorted dividers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 506. Lot of four mini tools: pin back KIDS CINICS claw hammer from LOWES a 2-inch pair of nippers 3-inch L. S.S. CO. dividers and a STANLEY Surform tie clip with a Surform plane. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 507. Lot: small advertising tape measure KELLETT OIL CO. a small round paper box containing a mini chair, outside of box says SURE CURE FOR THAT TIRED FEELING and a small German compass. ( Photo amp Photo 2 amp Photo 3 ) 508. Three little heart-shaped padlocks MADE IN USA a small CONOCO adverting key fob from OAKES CONOCO in SIKESTON, MO anda small keychain with a tiny bobber attached to it. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 509. Lot of mini tools: hatchet with a faux leather sheath a hatchet with nickel plated head and wooden handle a tiny tomahawk pinback mounted to a piece of paper and a small pinback of ABE LINCOLN swinging an axe from the ILLINOIS JAYCEES. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 510. Small 1.75-inch CRESCENT non-functional wrench on the original paper it came on, has a pin on the back, fine and a pair of cufflinks each with a town crier-type figure marked. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 511. Two small P-51 military-type can openers, one with attached key ring, has a bottle cap lifter and a screwdriver at one end plus an unknown item that looks like a folding bit for a tiny horse. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 512. Lot: 2-bladed pocket knife advertising MAC TOOLS and JIM SCHAFFER SIKESTON, MISSOURI a mini 2-inch nickel plated S-handled wrench 2-inch working pipe wrench and a small 2-inch screwdriver with wench from the SOUTH BEND BAIT CO. SOUTH BEND INDIANA logo. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 513. Four key rings: one has a small model of a piston two measure tire tread and one has a tire and is marked on the back RIVERSIDE HST NYLON. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 514. Four tool-related tie clips: SNAP ON combination wrench SNAP OPEN END wrench tiny CHAMPION spark plugs and another that has a key blank on the front. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 515. Lot of nine screwdrivers: four with wire handles one a 2.5-inch nickel plated novelty one marked PROTO on one side and LEO PEER E L SOILAX on the other side a jewelers type with replaceable blade a tine brass handled model from a nested set etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 516. Five little screwdrivers: Stanley Yankee 3400 offset ratcheting with flat blades YANKEE NORTH BROS. 3423 offset a wooden handled model one with wire loop handle and a DAYTON SCALE DAYTON OHIO PIONEERS AND LEADERS FOR FORTY YEARS. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 517. Three bits of MasonShriner jewelry: pair of cufflinks and a tie clip TADMOR TEMPLE 1924-1949 with Shriner emblem. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 518. Five mini wrenches: O. K. AUTO SUPPLY, 118 WEST MALONE 3-inch screw-adjust with screwdriver at end of handle and having a keychain 14 amp 516 combination wrench from an auto kit curved handle alligator wench stamped EMERGENCY WRENCH a 1 78-inch open end and a BONNEY open end tie clip. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 520. Lot of six nickel plated novelty tools: hatchet, monkey wrench, plane, pipe wrench, drawknife and pliers. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 521. Lot of four wrenches: OXWALL 14-in. drive ratchet, very good K-D MFG. No. 22 mini 716-inch ratchet, very good a jar wrench for removing difficult lids from jars and a CROCODILE HAWKEYE WRENCH CO. MARSHALLTOWN, IA wrench with thread chasers in the middle of the the handle, painted silver. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 522. Lot of 14 assorted clamps including ones marked CINCINNAT TOOL No. 51 SUPER JR. AFFA PAT. AUG. 26, 1924 two S. H.C No. 122 BampC CO. 1-inch J. H.W. BampC 141, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 523. Pair of vises that can be clamped to a bench or table top, both are complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 524. Lot of four FORD automobile wrenches: open end screw adjusting 9-inch AUTO two lug wrenches and offset box end, all very good. ( Photo ) 525. Pair of farrier tools a buffer marked 109 NORDIC FORGE USA, fine and a wooden handled hoof knife marked BURDIZZO MADE IN ITALY, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 526. Pair of vises: one is a KIT VISE, good spring, can be mounted to the face of a bench, very good overall and an unknown make 50mm vise that clamps to a table top or bench and has a head that rotates, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 527. Early pair of clippers marked CCC COL. CUT. CO. READING, PA, very good and a mystery tool that could be a jar lifter. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 528. Lot of four farrier tools: HELLER hoof knife HELLER Vixen Reveal file used in auto body work and a very nice buffer marked BELGIUM with a faint makers mark. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 529. Junior Brannock Device for measuring women and childrens feet for shoes, complete and fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 530. Nickel plated KEEN KUTTER plumb bob, a spot or two of nickel is missing, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 531. Lot of SHAPLEIGH and KEEN KUTTER tools Shapleigh scissors and wooden handled tack lifter and Keen Kutter rivet set bitstock gimlet bit countersink nail set and side cutters. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 532. Scarce HANDYBOY DH16 plier with small 4-inch-sized crescent wrench at end of one handle, screwdriver at end of other handle, fine overall condition. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 533. Two 4-inch Crescent-type wrenches one marked GERMANY 4 a POWER KRAFT 84-4701-40, very good plus a Crescent-wrench-shaped butane cigarette lighter, not working. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 534. Lot: six bottle openers two combined ice picks with bottle openers and two ice picks, most with advertising. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 535. Pair or combination pocket knife and crescent wrenches, both have plastic handles, the one on top needs some new grips the bottom one is complete and very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 536. Lot of seven assorted magnets. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 537. Combination Crescent wrench and pocket knife, has belt clip on handle, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 538. Lot: TWA (Trans Word Airlines) aluminum ice hammer, very good fancy combination hammer, pick and bottle opener, very good and an adjustable jar opener, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 539. Five veterinary or medical hand tools including at least one tooth extractor. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 540. Lot: Heesen Patent (U. S. 226,915) double hog ring installing pliers, PAT APR 21, 1880, very good a tool that I think is for forming hog rings out of horseshoe nails, very good and a Jensen Patent (U. S. No. 2,224,226) metalworking tool from Rockford, ILL. all very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 541. Pair of little hammers including a tiny ball peen marked C BLAND 1915, both very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 542. Bacho Volvo 8-inch combined Crescent wrench and alligator wrench, complete and very good plus a very good DIAMALLOY 8-inch Crescent. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 543. Unusual cast iron USMC (United Shoe Machinery Corporation) plane-shaped saw with saw blades on the bottom. ( Photo ) 544. Lot: Two tubular items that look like little grain probes a patented band stretcher and a heavy brass specialty tool that looks something like a C-clamp. ( Photo ) 545. Pair of slate working hammers one is hand forged and is pitted the other has a leather wrapped handle and was manufactured by BELDEN MACHINE CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN. It has some light pitting too. ( Photo ) 546. Four all steel chisels including one marked ENDERES and an offset 14 PROTO 58 X 13 packing tool, fine. ( Photo ) 547. Lot: specialty hammer for applying wheel weights a tracing wheel something that looks like a miniature oyster shucking knife, etc. ( Photo ) 548. Lot of little pulleys including one for a window weight and maybe an iron castor or two. ( Photo ) 549. MAASDAM POWRPULL PAT NO 2,607,095, BURBANK, CALIF. fence or cable stretcher with brass body, fine. ( Photo ) 550. Cable or fence stretcher and a hook with a spring loaded gate. ( Photo ) 551. Lot of four small wooden furniture clamps. 552. Wooden framed buck saw, complete and very good. 552. to 569. OPEN. 570. Three bench planes for parts or rehab Sargent 418C iron fore plane body and frog, fine overall Stanley 5 iron jack plane body and frog, very good and a complete 9-inch iron PARPLUS-type smoother with pressed steel frog. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 571. Lot of bench plane parts: two 9-inch smooth plane bodies including a nice Stanley 4C three iron jack planes with frogs and two loose frogs. ( Photo ) 572. Lot of 10 assorted bench plane totes 9 knobs including one for a Sargent block plane and several threaded rods for attaching totes and knobs. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 573. Six KEEN KUTTER tools: open end wrench chisel that needs a handle wooden handled tack lifter bitstock screwdriver bit nail set and punch. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 574. Lot of four small hammers including a small ball peen. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 575. Five KEEN KUTTER cold chisels and punches. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 576. Pair of hand adzes both with curved blades. Both are marked with makers marks. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 577. Lot: two heavy brass cylinders that have been hammered on both ends a chain breaker metal hook with 500-lb. capacity unusual pair of pliers with hammer head leather punch. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 578. Lot: concrete drill steel hook striking tool edging tool, and a T-handled tool with a hook on the end. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 579. Lot: two adzes including one with an unusual straight blade, and one curved plus a Stearns or Sargent scraper that is missing the blade. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 580. Lot: Stanley box cutter with retractable blade in a pouch that can be worn on a belt a heavy duty steel roller and a pair of HKP swaging tool that is very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 581. Two like new 6-inch U. S.A. sharpening stones in original boxes, plus a third stone in a plastic bag. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 582. Five pairs of pliers, including three CRONK types, two with light pitting a pitted Koeth model from FARMINGTON, MO and a bright pair marked HAPEWE GERMANY, fine. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 583. Lot of 23 assorted screwdrivers including 8 that are advertising types with plastic handles and magnetic ends. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 584. Lot of three bung augers that have all been repainted. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 585. Lot of 11 screwdrivers: Millers Falls No. 59 ratcheting Yankee 2H Yankee two are Millers Falls No. 199 offset types a GENERAL No. 808 offset an offset Phillips head one with a retractable blade, missing the end cap, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 586. Lot of four hay hooks and three pairs of clippers. Two of the clippers are marked OAK LEAF. ( Photo ) 587. Lot of four misc. tools including the three posts and business end of Woods Patent hollow auger some type of clamp marked TIPS TOOL 1735 Alligator Belt Co. lacing fixture, etc. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 588. Lot of four hay hooks, three with wooden handles two clippers and an ice chipper that would mount on a long handle. ( Photo ) 589. Four assorted tools: nut breaker marked MADE IN ENGLAND, very good HERBRAND VAN CHROME offset screwdriver and chisel combo ORAN (Missouri) GAS amp PLUMBING CO. PHONE 69 crating hammer, pry bar and claw and some type of trip quick release latch like those used in raising hay into a loft. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 590. Japanese 9-inch wooden rabbeting plane, very good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 591. Pair of KEEN KUTTER iron block planes: K120 (Stanley) with proper blade, good knob, lever cap is painted green, very good overall and a KK120 (Ohio Tool) with original blade, good knob, a few chips in top of right side, some mild pitting, good overall. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 592. Five small machinist bottle-type jacks, two are larger and have round tips in the center of the tops the other three are normal sized and have V-shaped groves in the tops, all are very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 593. Hand cranked centrifuge, likely used to test cream, not complete and a pair of Keen Kutter sheep or mule shears, very good. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 594. Lot of Stanley 45 plane parts: One usable plane with script logo on skate, all three main sections fine rosewood knob, long rods, adjustable fence, handle spur has been chipped on top, very good overall two main frames one fence and one japanned sliding section for a Type I to Type 3 plane. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 595. Lot: four intact iron block planes and numerous block plane parts. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 596. RUSBY Patent breast drill, rear handle is intact but crank and auxiliary handles are both MIA, can be restored to usable condition plus a FULTON folding handle drawknife, has had the wings broken off of the wing nuts that secure the handles, so they will need to be replaced, the blade has a crack right in the center. ( Photo ) 597. Lot of iron block plane parts. ( Photo ) 598. Lot of bench plane blades, lever caps, etc. ( Photo ) 599. Lot of seven bench plane bodies: fine Stanley 6C that needs a tote and knob good Stanley 27 transitional that just needs a tote two Stanley 5 bodies with frogs, one has a chipped corner a 5 14 with corner chip Keen Kutter KK4 that just needs a tote and knob, fine and an unknown make smoother body and frog. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) 600. Lot of plane parts: Three 78 bodies, two with thumb operated blade adjusters a frame for a Liberty Bell smoother and seven iron block planes or block plane bodies. ( Photo amp Photo 2 ) NOTE: A 10 percent buyers premium will be charged at this and all of our sales unless otherwise noted. Sale Managed by Michael J. Urness amp Great Planes Trading Co.


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